As children, we were always a little envious of those slippers Dorothy wore in the Wizard of Oz. It only a took a couple of clicks and those babies transported her to her favorite place, home.
Fast forward to adulthood and a technology where the internet is home. A few clicks of your iPhone opens your world. We don’t even need shoes anymore. But, that beautiful red…
Some serious eye candy coming down the pike.
As it turns out, red is now an option. Starting this week, the iPhone 7 is available with a matte red metal shell, the RED special edition. And also, as it happens, you can help others in the process, because for every purchase made, Apple will be donating to AIDS/HIV programs.
This is nothing new for Apple, who has already donated $130 million to helping to eradicate AIDS/HIV. Typical services offered by these programs include testing and counseling. They also provide medication to HIV-positive mothers to prevent transmission to their unborn child.
"This gives customers an unprecedented way to contribute to the Global Fund and bring the world a step closer to an AIDS-free generation," says an Apple spokesperson.
A $10 screen protector will change the bezel from white to black, except the home button, and you get to keep your warranty and Touch ID.
If you decide to buy the RED iPhone 7, it's going to be tough to decide whether to feel warm fuzzies from helping a worthy cause, or the afterglow of successful retail shopping. A third option, of course, is the mighty bite of fiscal reality: a RED iPhone 7 costs $749 (or 36.58 per month for 24 months), and the iPhone 7+ costs $869 (or $41.58 per month for 24 months) available from Apple.
The iPhone 7 comes with a pair of EarPods and a lightning connector, a lightning to USB connector, a 5W USB adaptor, and a Lightning to 3.5 mm headphone jack adapter.
Oh, Apple! You haven't lost your looks!
Some users are not crazy about the white front bezel on the RED iPhone 7. In fact, there is a lot of crying over the fact that it looks remarkably similar to the RED ipod, which is a look that Apple has consistently promoted. As much as consumers complain, Apple is staying true to their brand--the brand we loyally love.
Some users have changed their white bezel to a black front by replacing the screen assembly, a difficult and expensive undertaking. We do not advocate this change, nor to we offer this service* since it will void your warranty and disable the Touch ID.
While Apple is kindly promoting an AIDS-free generation, we are benefiting from this with a beautiful new iPhone color. And that's something to write home about.
There's no place like the web.
*We may change this policy in the future. Check back with us later.