If you have an iPhone 6 Plus and have so-called ‘touch disease’, as indicated by a gray bar at the top of the screen, a white flashing screen, or a problem with an unresponsive screen, your iPhone may have so-called ‘touch disease’. Apple has admitted this is not just a random problem and blames users. Incensed, we talked to the tech about this almost blasphemous lack of regard for iPhone 6 Plus owners and what we can do about it.
We were fortunate that the tech we talked to actually owns an iPhone 6 Plus. He told us that the best thing to do is to not hope that some corporate entity is going to be responsible, and that the easiest way to avoid a problem is to be very, very careful with your iPhone.
“This is a delicate electronic,” he said, holding up his iPhone 6 Plus. “It’s important to take care of it if you want it to perform properly without needing costly corporate intervention.”
A gray line at the top of the screen means your iPhone probably has 'touch disease'
So, we asked for some tips:
Get a sturdy case, the sturdiest one you can afford, is some good insurance. A new iPhone costs quite a bit more than a case. If you need some tips on how to find one, you can try this article here.
Avoid putting your iPhone 6 Plus in your back pocket. This goes for any large-size iPhone. If it gets bent, it can create problems. This might not be as convenient as a smaller iPhone, but there are upsides, too.
Don’t drop your iPhone. Accidents happen--we get that. But, with an iPhone 6 Plus, you have to be a bit more on the cautious side. Hard drops are the death of this iPhone--avoid whenever possible.
This is a delicate electronic. :(
A couple of other helps:
Get a screen protector. They’re cheap, you can get the tech to put it on for you when he comes out to fix another phone in your house, and every little bit of protection helps.
Avoid being casual with your iPhone around water. This may seem like a no-brainer, but thousands of iPhones end up in the drink every year. Typical hazards are a swimming pool, a beverage, a toilet, sink, or even the washing machine.
Keep your screen locked and protected with a password.
If your iPhone has the dreaded touch disease, Apple is willing to work with you (for a fee). Contact your nearest Apple store for details.
But if you don’t have a problem, we hope some of these tips will help you keep your iPhone 6 Plus in perfect working order.
Talk on!